2020 marks the sixth edition of the HiPEAC Tech Transfer Awards. This year’s award winners include a deep neural network used in a space mission and a scalable logic locking framework for hardware integrity protection. The range of the winning work serves as a demonstration of how HiPEAC research continues to resonate beyond the lab.
HiPEAC’s Tech Transfer Awards recognize successful examples of technology transfer, which covers technology licensing, providing dedicated services or creating a new company, for example. In addition to a certificate, first-time winners are awarded the sum of €1,000 for the team that developed the technology.
For the purposes of the awards, technology transfer is defined as a contractually documented joint- or privately funded academia-industry project or technology licence agreement, with the goal of bringing a concrete research result into industrial practice. All applications are evaluated by an internal technology transfer committee.
This year, eight winners have been selected; EXAPSYS is proud to be one of them with the development of very fast and accurate simulator of HPC and CPS systems (Yannis Papaefstathiou, Nikolaos Tampouratzis).
COSSIM is a highly innovative CPS/HPC/cloud simulation framework capable of simulating any kind of multi-core CPUs, networks and I/O under one roof and in a fully synchronized manner, supporting up to cycle-accuracy; no similar simulation package is available on the market. Moreover, since COSSIM is fully parallel by design, it is significantly faster than current fragmented solutions while being able to address more design aspects and provide more features.
The main parts of the COSSIM simulator (i.e. the synchronization architecture and implementation and certain models) have been exclusively licensed from Telecommunication Systems Institute (TSI), a research institute at the Technical University of Crete (TuC), to Exascale Performance Systems – EXAPSYS Plc, which has been created mainly for the commercial exploitation of research results from two research centres, starting with the COSSIM simulator. Additionally, some other parts of the COSSIM simulator (e.g. precise models for certain CPUs) have been exclusively licensed from Synelixis Solutions S.A. to EXAPSYS Plc.